Showing posts with label London. Show all posts
Showing posts with label London. Show all posts

Thursday 21 July 2016

How to Retain Best Employees

Whether they are IT recruitment agencies or any other firm, retention of employees always leads to a business success. As per the new survey, more than five percent of the people from the last year are planning to change their jobs in the year 2016. This increase is much more between the age of approximately 18 and 34 years, and it has been observed that this figure is increasing on a yearly basis.

For some people, that might not be a big deal but in actual, the loss that the companies face in the shape of employee turnover costs as much as 30 to 50 percent of the staff members' yearly salary. People do not analyse that the frequent resignations of the staff members lower the morale and productivity of the others. Moreover, it sometimes happens that the employees who are satisfied with their job also look for the new work and designations. To retain the employees, it is crucial for the companies to hold on with the staffs' needs and challenge them with the tasks assigned to them so that it can be proved meaningful to them. In order to retain the best employees, here we are giving some suggestions. For instance,

Understand What Matters for the Employees To whatever industry does your business belong to, every employee needs affordable benefits, a great boss, stability in the job with a good working environment and culture. For them, all these factors hold great importance compared to the salary. When it comes to employers, they can conduct confidential surveys so to know about each employee's job satisfaction criterion. Likewise, the company can discuss with the top talent to know about the concerns of the employees. This may help their team to function appropriately and be the happier one.

Give Priority to Internal Hiring The recent surveys conducted in 2016 have discovered that internal hiring can play an important role in the retention of employees. But unfortunately, this has always been put on the lower side of the priority scale. Very few companies accept this fact that internal hiring is vital in making the strategies and retains the employees if prioritised in an appropriate way. IT recruitment specialists well understand that maintaining and strengthening relationships with the employees after recruiting through the internal hiring can help in keeping the staff members in the pipeline for a longer term.

Consider the Perks That Could Relieve Them No doubt that the companies cannot offer all the perks to the employees but some of the common perks may be granted to let the employees feel relaxed and working with a complete peace of mind. Subject to the nature of your business, if the employees are allowed to wear jeans and are offered half days on Fridays, these small benefits can really value them and bring fruitful results.

Have Believe on Your Staff Members For any employee, that job matters the most where it can grow and learn. There is no doubt that sometimes it means taking a big risk and coming out of your comfort zone. By giving your employee(s) a genuine and extended assignment, it means that you are trusting and motivating them and enabling them to grow over here, ensuring them that they will be rewarded immediately.

Develop Healthy Relationship with Employees Whether it's a top level employee or a junior staff member, the employers need to show that they truly care their employees and want to aid them in developing their professions. This helps employees and their families to go a long way with the companies. One of the best ways is to sit with the workers and discuss the future goals and objectives of the company. This may help the enterprise to keep the best talent.

Hire Smart Rather Than Hard People At some stage, companies have to hire new talent/staff member. When making a decision, make sure that the candidate you are going to hire is the best one, like-minded and matches well with the company culture. It will only be a one-time effort to look for the appropriate person for the specific designation. The right candidate usually prefers to remain in the job. Remember that if the employees feel secure, and they know that they can contribute at a higher level, they stay much longer and work more effectively. For this, you need to select the candidates that are compatible with the organisation's culture. Generally, such employees go a long way with the companies.

Monday 25 January 2016

How to Know Your Business Is Not Cut Out For IT Managed Services

When we talk about companies, we should never forget that there are different flavours and kinds of businesses, for instance, there are entrepreneurial businesses, startups, small or medium sized and lifestyle businesses. Each business has different goals that are targeted to be achieved, so the business owners set distinct priorities depending upon the financial plans and the growth rate. Some companies have high technology involvement so they prioritise their routine operations according to the internet. If an internet connection, email server or phone line is down, their business has to face a shrieking pause. Specifically, when it comes to technological businesses, they require an IT managed services provider that could assist them in maintaining the security, designing and managing the strategies along with providing assistance to the employees. Still there are some small and medium-sized companies that need to focus on the devising of the strategies that involve an adoption of the managed services. A concise self-analysis can help you to understand which businesses are not cut out from the managed IT services.

IT Managed Service Providers

Technology is Not Used to Enhance Client Experience: You need to analyse what kind of services you are delivering to the clients. You need to consider whether technology is involved in it? Whether some software interface, app or web portal is included in accessing the client records or booking their appointments? Are the client services delivered via the email or a phone? If the above elements do not have any involvement, then probably, there is no need to get the managed service solutions to get the client service experience.

Replacing of an Equipment is Waited Till the Last Possible Second: We should always remember that the workstations must be in warranty and at least, they should enable the companies in supporting the operating systems and the software updates that appear. Workstations always represent the employees’ efficiency and productivity. So it is necessary to refresh, repair or replace the equipment immediately in order to boost the staff members’ efficiency so it can match with the IT services.

You are Not Considering Technology as a Means to Appeal Customers: Efficient and talented employees always require technology that can be operated at a high speed. Slow connections, sluggish networks and obsolete technology usually frustrates the employees. Expert professionals always need technology that could help them in boosting their efficiency.

Friday 18 December 2015

How Managed Services Can Secure Your Business

To whatever business it is, everybody needs the best services so it can serve its clients in an appropriate way. The success of any company usually depends upon the services it offers to its clients. Getting the managed services mean that you can customise the services for your skills to reassure that they will help in achieving the organisational objectives. Make sure that the managed services company in London you are hiring must provide you appropriate services, not something like just help in plugging to the internet and then walk away without protecting from any potential threats.

Getting the assistance of managed services provider help a great deal to interact with the people. This makes the companies feel as if the service providers do care and work for the clients. Providers offering the managed service solutions care that the company’s important confidential info must be safe and secure and should in no way be in the hands of the hackers. There are numerous benefits that the businesses offering the managed services provide to its clients like:

Managed Services Company in the London

Image Credit - Scudds Information Technologies

Consistency: Managed services provider in the UK offer services that are not only reliable and consistent but also quick. Service providers usually offer services in a way that improves and guarantee the uptime.

Assistance: Hiring the appropriate companies for the managed services mean that they will always be ready to provide assistance whenever you want. Whether you contact via emails, phone or live chat, you will always get help for managing the systems.

Backup Support and Services: Whatsoever is the nature of your business, every business needs a backup of its important data. Providers offering the managed services provide backup services, and disaster recovery plans to help the clients in the time of need.

Integrated Tools: According to the needs of the clients, the service companies’ offer integrated tools for use. Use of integrated tools helps the businesses to save a lot of their valuable time which can be spent at other work to enhance the productivity.